


Under the surface after weathering changes to chlorite, siderite and limonite, the appearance of blue amphibole and amphibole sometimes similar, but with a fibrous amphibole blue and clear crystal blue, can be used as The difference with other amphibole. But the mineral can be shattered when darker approach to the observation of the color within the fresh, can be resolved. Glaucophane only generated in the high-pressure metamorphic rocks in low temperature.
Do asbestos or ornamental purposes (when the blue amphibole performance characteristics of the first time for the appearance known as blue asbestos, asbestos is a secondary use; currently out some or all of the quartz fiber was set which contains iron will be oxidized into gold, makes the existence of crocidolite, fibrous tissue had a yellow cat eyes will be issued, later known as Tiger Eye by cutting).
Place of origin
Produced in Hualien Yuli, Mizuho and other places, quartz schist.

